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Clenbuterol hcl Tablet

Clenbuterol hcl Tablet

Clenbuterol hcl 40mcg is observing to build muscle mass and reduce body fat. So, it remains in the body with an active effect for about six days after using it. A very effective fat loss stimulant with anti-catabolic properties.



  • What is Clenbuterol HCL?

    Clenbuterol HCl is creating to treat asthma in humans before deemed unfit for sale in the USA. In some countries, it is still legal. In the US, however, prescriptions like Dilaterol are always on the market for its intended use.

  • How is Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Uses for Weight L

    With the scandal of Hollywood stars taking Clenbuterol to look trim and toned, this pharmaceutical-grade drug has repurposed as a fat burner, especially famous for women.




  • Why Does Clenbuterol Burn Fat?

    Clenbuterol has gained notoriety as a fad fat burner because of its one-two punch. There are reviews that the drug increases the basal metabolic rate, which burns fat quicker than without the stimulant. At the same time, the drug is a beta-antagonist, which makes it a repartitioning agent. What does this mean? Excess calories get stored not as fat reserves but as muscle tissue. The one-two punch line: One, fat loss. Pow. Two, lean muscle created. 

  • How To Take Clenbuterol?

    Clenbuterol is not a steroid. Clenbuterol is in the same drug family as epinephrine and amphetamine. Amphetamines provide a blast of confidence and focus but can be addictive. Epinephrine is the scientific word for adrenaline, naturally produced by our adrenal glands.


    This distinction as a non-steroid makes Clenbuterol more attractive for females. We can all picture hulking, massive female bodybuilders with a deep voice more closely resembling men. As a non-steroid, this masculine presentation is avoiding.


    Steroids also cause hair loss as a side effect. Clenbuterol does not cause hair loss.

$65.00 Regular Price
$58.50Sale Price
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